Inspired by previous adventures in
gram flour pancake making, I decided to try making some more but, this time, for brunch rather than dinner.
Mixture |
I went for a similar basic mixture to Maria Elia's recipe - gram flour,
semolina and water - but spring onions, bell pepper, carrots and feta
instead of just carrots. To be honest, this was mostly because this was what we had in the house - I think the spring onions and feta were lovely but that the other vegetables, you could substitute in with other vegetables. Mushrooms would be nice, I think.
Tasty pancakes |
Since it was brunch, I also kept the spicing more
minimal - just salt and black pepper rather than chilli and ginger and
They were fun to make - I love the way that they sizzle in the pan and it's a childish pleasure to compete with myself to see how many I can get to turn over without breaking at all.
I'm not sure why but they tasted rather like omlettes - same kind of
squishy texture. One to make again, perhaps when I have some fresh
herbs to use up, as I think that that would convert these from tasty to
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